Welcome to my Kindermusik space...

A place to refresh your love of music, your wonder in children, and your peace in parenting well.

Tuesday, September 14

Special moments come unexpectedly

Those of you who know me know how my heart is knitted to the lives of those I teach. I literally wake up every day with a smile on my face waiting to see the special people I call MY Kindermusik students. We sing, we dance, we love...

Today, at the end of our class when children were coming in for hugs, I was in for a special treat...

"X" was coming in for a hug....and then another hug....when he stopped and pointed to my earrings and said "candy". ("X" is at the stage where he has things to say, but the words are still not said in a way that everyone understands right away. Mom was across our seated circle and providing some interpretation.)

So we had a little conversation about how they were "pretty", but not candy. And as he stood there and touched them, I said words like "pretty, gentle, nice".

Then out came the gift....he took his little pointer finger and touched the bottom of my neck and said "nice teacher". (Mom offered the interpretation). I was touched and I've carried it in my heart all day.

The joy of knowing that we bring kindness and "niceness" to others' lives...priceless!

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