Welcome to my Kindermusik space...

A place to refresh your love of music, your wonder in children, and your peace in parenting well.

Wednesday, April 6

Musical feet

Brains are a wonderfully curious thing.  We feed them information and they combine it in all kinds of new and creative, unexpected ways.

In class we often teach feet to dance and tap the beat.  But I didn't know that feet can have connections to reading music, too!

I got an email yesterday from a Kindermusik Mom, Melanie,  who has been bringing her girls to class since they were just months old.  In her own words, "I don't think we have missed a semester.  Kindermusik is a constant in our activity schedule, an integral part of our daily interaction."  

Melanie's daughter, Estelle, is in the Kindermusik for the Young Child classes where we have been teaching the students about reading music on the musical staff.  For those of you without a music background, the staff is a set of five lines and four spaces that the black music notes are placed on.  As she was going about her daily life at home, Estelle had been looking at her feet and remarked,

"Hey, Mama!  My feet are just like a staff chart.  There are 5 lines (toes) and 4 spaces (in between)."

To all you moms who share your stories with me of your home kitchen dances, spontaneous car ride sing-a-longs, or grocery store saves with Kindermusik songs - please don't ever stop.  Your reflections about how Kindermusik is being integrated into everyday family moments makes my day!  Hope this one helped you smile, too!

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