Ever hear of the woman behind the man? You know, the one who helps out so that everything looks smooth for the work life? Today I want to mention the man behind the woman who brings Kindermusik to your family.
Why today more than other days? Valentine's Day is the day I said "Yes" and became officially engaged. And this year it's 25 years that I've been wearing this ring. Maybe you've seen our picture together in the classroom, but in case you haven't, here is the man that brings joy to my heart. As much as I'm an upfront person, he is a behind the scenes guy. If ever there is a job to be done, he's the guy that will be there for me. Or anyone else, for that matter. A friend of ours said just hours ago, "whenever I see Greg driving up, I always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright."
When I wanted to start up the Kindermusik business, he encouraged me to go for it. When I made the move from teaching at home to teaching in a rented facility, he was the one who helped make the space work. He is hands on help for moving, ripping out carpet, painting walls, hanging hooks. Our magnificently transformed classroom is thanks to him!
There are a thousand ways I have come to love this man over the years. A thousand ways to be proud of him. So to my amazing husband, Greg...Thank you! I could never have done this without you. And I'd still choose you.
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