Welcome to my Kindermusik space...

A place to refresh your love of music, your wonder in children, and your peace in parenting well.

Sunday, July 17

Music as Super Glue

My husband and I have very diverse music tastes.
One of my favourite, give-me-goosebump singers is Alison Krauss.  I could listen to her for hours.  Her soprano voice is so clear and true.  If you've heard her, you know what I mean.  My husband on the other hand, can't tolerate listening to her.  As much as I love her voice, it drives him batty.

Then there's Willie Nelson.  My husband LOVES his voice, style, songs.  I can put up with a couple of songs but after that, "let's wrap that up", so to speak.

One person's pleasure can be another person's poison.  Just like favourites in anything....colour, food, cars...you name it.

But music has the ability to speak to a person's soul - their very essence.  When I listen to Alison, she can take me on a journey as my heart surrenders to her sweet sounds.  The same is true for my husband as he listens to Willie.  Sometimes it is the association we have with a particular musician to a certain time in our life that brings back certain associative emotional connection, other times, the lyric speaks of common identity.

What connects us to each other is shared experience or understood emotion.  Music has a magical way of bringing both.  When what the music and musician are saying connects with us, we feel the kinship and trascendent connection.  Music becomes a community glue, a shaper of our lives and common understanding.   Whether it is the strains of young love sung by Taylor Swift, the aching of a broken heart sung by Karen Carpenter,  the soaring anthems of the Canadian Tenors, the classic sounds of the Beatles or Elton John,  the dance tunes of Lady Gaga, or the Kindermusik songs from our weekly classes, music is in the business of people connecting.

Had the joy of making music and connecting this morning with some of the best musicians I know.  I'm so looking forward to being in Music Community with some of you this week at our July Playdates!

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