Let's talk about bonding through music. My son, Colson, has a friend, Kent, who also really enjoys music. They have known each other for a lot of years and share a lot of interests. Making music is one of them. Above is a picture of the two of them at a band event last year where they got to enjoy some craziness together on the keyboard. (Colson is in the blue sweater)
Today was my turn. Not only do I teach music Monday to Saturday, but I'm involved in music at my church, too. On weeks when I'm not singing in the choir, I help out on the synthesizer - usually once a month. Got a call from one of our music pastors at church this past week asking if I'd play synth while Colson was on piano.
It was so amazing to be playing together this morning with my son and some other fantastically talented musicians! The drummer this morning asked me while we were rehearsing if it was kind of like being Wayne Gretzky and his Dad on the ice...big smile...
Happy, happy day.
When we do our circle dances at Kindermusik,
or play instruments together,
or sing out the children's names during our Hello songs,
not only are we nurturing musical skills,
we are developing a musical community
where people feel like they belong
and are part of something bigger than ourselves.
A place to belong and matter. No wonder we like to hug at the end of class.
That is so nice!